Spectrum of a ring

Results: 102

81Homotopy theory / Scheme theory / Sheaf theory / Homological algebra / Cohomology theories / Landweber exact functor theorem / Topological modular forms / Spectrum of a ring / Scheme / Abstract algebra / Topology / Algebraic geometry


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Source URL: arxiv.org

Language: English - Date: 2013-11-04 20:29:08
82Algebraic groups / Scheme theory / Sheaf theory / Commutative algebra / Formal group / Sheaf / Group scheme / Spectrum of a ring / Group action / Abstract algebra / Algebra / Algebraic topology

Formal Groups (Lecture 11) April 27, 2010

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Source URL: www.math.harvard.edu

Language: English - Date: 2010-04-27 14:50:12
83Hochschild homology / Cyclic homology / Cohomology / Spectrum of a ring / Algebraic geometry / Algebraic K-theory / Sheaf / Topological space / Homology / Abstract algebra / Algebra / Homological algebra

The local structure of algebraic K-theory Bjørn Ian Dundas, Thomas G. Goodwillie and Randy McCarthy 9th June 2004

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Source URL: math.mit.edu

Language: English - Date: 2009-10-14 08:12:12
84Mathematics / Complex cobordism / Formal group / Spectrum / Sheaf / Ring / Homotopy / Landweber exact functor theorem / Homotopy groups of spheres / Abstract algebra / Algebraic topology / Topology

SNAITH’S CONSTRUCTION OF COMPLEX K-THEORY The purpose of this note is to explain a purely “algebraic” construction (starting with CP∞ ), due to

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Source URL: people.fas.harvard.edu

Language: English - Date: 2012-06-11 11:53:19
85Homotopy theory / Spectrum / Morava K-theory / Homotopy category / Cohomology / Thom space / Homotopy group / Stable homotopy theory / Ring spectrum / Topology / Abstract algebra / Algebraic topology

A higher chromatic analogue of the image of J arXiv:1210.2472v3 [math.AT] 21 Oct 2013

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Source URL: arxiv.org

Language: English - Date: 2013-10-21 21:06:20
86Cyclic homology / Hochschild homology / Cohomology / Noncommutative geometry / Spectral sequence / Algebraic geometry / Spectrum of a ring / Sheaf / Koszul complex / Abstract algebra / Algebra / Homological algebra

Homological methods in Non-commutative Geometry D. Kaledin March 12, 2008

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Source URL: imperium.lenin.ru

Language: English - Date: 2009-10-08 10:51:36
87Sheaf theory / Scheme theory / Sheaf / Ringed space / Grothendieck topology / Spectrum of a ring / Ideal sheaf / Coherent sheaf / Scheme / Abstract algebra / Algebraic geometry / Algebra

Spectral Schemes as Ringed Lattices Thierry Coquand∗, Henri Lombardi†, and Peter Schuster‡ October 7, 2009

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Source URL: hlombardi.free.fr

Language: English - Date: 2009-10-07 14:45:38
88Scheme theory / Sheaf theory / Algebraic varieties / General topology / Finite morphism / Spectrum of a ring / Proper morphism / Scheme / Flat morphism / Abstract algebra / Algebraic geometry / Geometry

SCHEMES David Harari Tsinghua, February-March 2005

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Source URL: www.math.u-psud.fr

Language: English - Date: 2007-04-10 10:26:58
89Category theory / Morphisms / Category of rings / Ring theory / Sheaf theory / Spectrum of a ring / Monoid / Functor / Adjoint functors / Abstract algebra / Algebra / Scheme theory

arXiv:math/0404185v7 [math.NT] 26 Jul[removed]Schemes over F1

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Source URL: cage.ugent.be

Language: English - Date: 2008-09-23 03:48:40
90Scheme theory / Spectrum of a ring / Sheaf / Scheme / Coherent sheaf / Topos / D-module / Proj construction / Grothendieck topology / Abstract algebra / Algebra / Sheaf theory

TAG Lecture 2: Schemes Paul Goerss

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Source URL: www.math.ku.dk

Language: English - Date: 2008-06-14 16:53:01